Check types

Check types

When adding a new check the user is asked to provide a title and a description to the check. The title should display what exactly should be checked and the description can be added for further information.



The photo check allows to upload an image of an item which needs to be checked.


Multiple choice

Multiple choice testcases offer a flexible number of answers from which one or several valid choices can be picked. The creator of the check can choose wich answers are valid and which are not.




Numeric checks allow validation of single numeric values. The creator of the check is able to set multiple threshholds in the validation. The options for validating a check is a lower tolerance limit, a lower control limit, a target value, an upper control limit and an upper tolerance limit. By exceeding the control limit the user will get a notification that the tolerance limit is almost reached. By exceeding the tolerance limit the check fails.






The time check allows the validation of time ranges.


By allowing the tester to put multiple values in a given calculation it is possible to validate the result of the calculation. The options for validating a check is a lower tolerance limit, a lower control limit, a target value, an upper control limit and an upper tolerance limit. By exceeding the control limit the user will get a notification that the tolerance limit is almost reached. By exceeding the tolerance limit the check fails.

For calculations it is also possible to enter only one value, because for some calculations one value is sufficient. Example: Calculation of the required rope quantity rounded up from an input variable.

It is also possible to use results from previous numerical or calculation checks and to create custom formulas. For more information see: Calculations (Advanced)




Single choice

Single choice checks offer a flexible number of answers from which one must be picked. The creator of the check can select which of the answers should give a positive/negative test result. After creating a new single choice check you can find the possibility “Show options horizontally“ in the configuration options. When activated, the check resembles a scale, which makes it very suitable for audits.





The date check allows the validation of date ranges.

Test object selection

With the test object check, you can select one or more test objects. Depending on the restriction, all test objects, only subcomponents or test objects under predefined test object types can be selected.

Important note: This check type cannot be performed offline.


Logical checks are typical “yes“ or “no” questions. It functions like a single choice check since only one answer can be picked. The advantage is that it is faster to create a logical check. The disadvantage is that there are only two options of which one is valid. In contrary to the single choice check the number of answers can not be changed afterwards.




GPS Check

Through this check, coordinates can be captured to indicate locations. This is possible on the one hand by querying the exact location, entering exact coordinates or selection on the OpenStreetMap.



The User can put in any type of text.


The file check allows to attach multiple files. Through the file restriction it is possible to set a minimum number as well as a limit how many files can/must be uploaded.



The signature check allows adding signatures within the checklist, for example, to request a signature after a certain check or at the end of a page or section. The check type can be used any number of times within a checklist to obtain multiple signatures.

In addition to the signature, a name can be added above if it does not match the user name.


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