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The Plugin Feature enables the integration of external software into Testify. Thus, external features can be embedded directly in Testify. The prerequisite is that the software can be called via a Public API. The "Plugin" can communicate with Testify via the defined API's and use the Testify Public API.

Plugins, if this feature is active, are displayed in the menu bar on the left under "Plugins".

Example: Visualizing GPS data collected in Testify

Location data can be captured and transmitted in real time in Testify. This is possible within checklists, issues and test objects. The coordinates previously captured in Testify can be visualized in a map plugin. This plugin provides an overview at a glance of which location data has been captured. For example, it can be seen on which sites the goods or similar are located or where a problem has occurred.

The map visualises the location data of test objects and the underlying checklists as well as issues.


Location data of issues are displayed by switching from "Assets" to "Tasks" in the top right menu.

Important: Location data can only be stored for issues with test objects whose test object type has a custom field with the type "GPS" activated.

Record location data in checklists

Location data within checklists can be recorded using the "Geoposition" check type. This check offers the possibility to capture precise location coordinates in two ways. This can be done either by querying the exact location, manually entering precise coordinates, or selecting a location on OpenStreetMap. Thus, this check allows for flexible and precise location determination, depending on individual requirements. For more information, seeCheck types.

Record location data on issues

Location data can also be recorded when adding issues. The prerequisite is that a custom field with "GPS position" was previously stored for the selected test object type. The coordinates can be added on the one hand by querying the exact location, entering exact coordinates or by selection on the OpenStreetMap. These fields can also be populated via the API. For more information, see Custom fields.

Record location data for test objects

Location data for test objects can be stored in the administration area under Test object types > Test objects. This is possible by means of the custom field "GPS Position". The coordinates can be added by querying the exact location, entering exact coordinates or by selecting them from the OpenStreetMap. These fields can also be populated via the API. For more information, see Custom fields.

Use on mobile devices

When using the map plug-in on mobile devices, the corresponding map app opens automatically, depending on the operating system.

  • iOS: Apple Maps

  • Android: Google Maps or individual selection if Google Maps is not installed

  • Windows: Google Maps

Example: Remote Support

The ability to include external tools in Testify means that support services, for example, can also be accessed in Testify.

By integrating an external support tool, users, for example external suppliers, can get help quickly by clicking on Extensions & "Remote Support" without having to leave Testify. There, they can log in with their usual credentials and quickly find remedies.


Please note that adding external plugins is not included in the standard. For more information, Key Users can contact the Testify Solution Team.