Add issue

Add issue

Table of Contents

Add Issue

Issues can be recorded both in the task menu and during the completion of a checklist. By selecting “Add issue“ the issue will not be related with a checklist.

Various properties can be defined to describe and categorize the issues. By selecting the “save” button the issue gets created.

Based on customers individual processes the default date can be set for the customer. The field "Due date" can be adjusted for the date and "Time of day" can be adjusted for the time until which the issue should be resolved by the "Assidned to" user or group. For this requirement please contact your Testify consultant.

If not all requirements have been met, an overview of all checks that need to be adjusted before completion appears. Clicking on the respective check takes you directly there and allows you to adjust it accordingly so that the restrictions are met. The link is only activated when the device is online, in offline mode there is no link to the check. Example:

Add and edit photos and files

By clicking on the camera icon in the bottom right-hand corner, photos and files can be added to the defect to document or describe it in more detail.

Data size: No compression up to 4MB, automatic compression from 10MB. In between, users can decide for themselves whether the files should be compressed (or not).

Immediately after uploading, the user can use objects and drawings to point out the location of the defect. The photo can also be cut out and rotated as desired.

Once the photo is added, it can be edited by clicking on the color roller in the upper right corner of the photo.

Remove photos

Photos can be removed as well. Removed photos appear grayed out and are listed at the end. This is traceable via the history and can also be reactivated there. Removed photos are not visible in the PDF protocols.

Resolve Issues

See: Issue overview | Resolve issue

Add an issue within a checklist

Execute checklist | Add issue