Release v4.43.0

Release v4.43.0

Dear Testify Key-User,

we proudly announce our Testify Release Updates v4.43.0 with new improvements for a better Testify experience:

Feature extensions

Short Description

Detailed Feature Description

Feature extensions

Short Description

Detailed Feature Description

Logout warning

From now on, a warning message is displayed before logging off.


Upload multiple images at the same time when adding issues

When adding images for issues, multiple images can now be selected at the same time.

Add issue

Add info text to test object type periodic assignment

When creating periodic assignments, an additional info text is now displayed indicating that a checklist is created for each test object of this test object type.

Periodic assignment

Entering different language comma behaviour

From now on, both "dot" and "comma" can be specified for a decimal number in the German and English version.

Example: 1.5 or 1.5

If the semicolon cannot be interpreted as a thousands separator (less than 3 numbers), it will be replaced by the linguistically correct separator.


Restriction of checklist assignment to groups

The right to assign checklists has been extended in the role settings. In addition to the option to select whether all or own checklists can be assigned, the following additional option is now available:

  • Assign checklists to

    • Assign checklists to all users and all groups

    • Assign checklists to my users and my groups

Role management


The Testify release v4.43.0 contains improvements and bug fixes for Excel imports, custom fields and the Tenant Manager.