Highlights implemented features
Fiscal year 2021/22 (04/21-03/22)
New features
Embedded Power BI Analyses
Testify now has a wider range of analytics embedded in Testify that can be accessed directly from the app menu. Additional licenses for Microsoft Power BI no longer need to be purchased separately. The analyses include checklist, test result and issue-based analyses. In addition, Testify has other detailed dashboards that best cover specific use cases. These include:
Quality control chart
Scoring analyses
Evaluations of custom fields
Detailed key figure evaluations in management reporting for checklists, issues, measurement results & issue as well as checklist processes
A detailed feature description can be found in the release notes under https://testify.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TWN/pages/1507197278 and https://testify.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TWN/pages/2327412862.
To simplify the creation of data in Testify, there is the possibility to import/export it via Excel. This is especially useful when a lot of data is new or needs to be updated. This feature is often used here:
Test object types and test objects
Equipment types and equipments
Custom fields
Issue categories
→ Especially if a test environment is used, the import and export feature of different entities is useful for independent data mirroring.
→ If several clients are in use that require the same basic data basis, the key user(s) can transfer data independently.
A detailed feature description can be found in the release notes under https://testify.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TWN/pages/1991278659 and under https://testify.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TWN/pages/1507229936.
Tenant specific translations
By translating various terms in Testify, an even more individualized mapping of the company structure is possible. This means that Testify can be used for any form of inspection. From driver's license checks to health checks to quality controls during production, you can adapt the terminology in Testify to your application.
Here you will find an excerpt of examples:
In the case of safety tours, the term "checklist" can be changed to tour/walkabout or "issues" can be changed to announcements
Test object (types) can be changed to machine categories & machines or organizational units & areas
A detailed feature description can be found in the release notes under https://testify.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TWN/pages/1923678743 and under https://testify.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TWN/pages/1507229720.
New PDF protocols and PDF protocol profiles
In addition to improved design, the new PDF protocols offer many variable setting options that can be customized as required in the PDF protocol profiles. For checklist templates, it is possible to specify exactly which templates are desired. As many profiles as necessary can be configured according to the user's own company-specific requirements. Background images as well as various additional information allow the corporate design to be displayed in a compliant manner. The new PDF protocols are often used in this way:
For example, you can use it to distinguish between internal checklist protocols and external protocols and adjust the content and appearance accordingly. In this way, you ensure that only relevant information is communicated externally.
Internal checklist protocols, for example, can contain detailed information about issues that have occurred.
External checklist protocols can, for example, contain the check itself without specifying any issues.
Inspection reports such as machine tests or outgoing goods inspections can be sent to stakeholders in the company's corporate design.
A detailed feature description can be found in the release notes for example under https://testify.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TWN/pages/1923678743 and under PDF Protocol Profiles.
Workflows enable the automation of work processes within Testify by allowing predefined actions to trigger specific events. By using webhooks, information can be transferred to external systems to trigger actions there. Another advantage of using workflows is the history for better traceability.
Use Case/Example:
Publishing a checklist when adding a test object or creating an issue
Initiation of a sequence of related checklists
PDF generation after checklist execution or after creation of an issue
Application example: Save PDF protocol to external system
Facilitated programming of interfaces of any kind
Workflows can be used to promote successive process optimization. For example, it would be possible for a checklist to be automatically assigned after critical issues have been created to trigger a continuous improvement process.
In the ongoing process, checklists are often left in the status "in progress" in the meantime. To avoid incomplete PDFs, which only lead to additional work, workflows can also be used. The workflow is used in such a way that a PDF is automatically created according to the desired protocol when a checklist has the status "completed".
A detailed feature description can be found in the release notes for example under https://testify.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TWN/pages/1878917553 and https://testify.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TWN/pages/1991245975 and under Workflows.
Feature extensions
Custom Calculation Check
Custom calculations provide a lot of flexibility and freedom when creating checks. In addition to several input values, custom formulas can be used, which are observed based on the mathematical rules. Use case/example:
Among other things, this check is used in regular quality control. Here, the percentage deviation can be measured on the basis of the average of the samples. Depending on the result of this calculation, the check is positive or negative and measures can be initiated if necessary.
At goods receipt, this custom check enables the total weight of batches to be calculated.
Outlook: In the near future, this check will be extended so that in the future it will be possible to reference entered test results in order to execute calculations.
A detailed feature description can be found in the release notes under https://testify.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TWN/pages/1846902916 and under https://testify.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TWN/pages/1846902970.
More flexible closing restrictions
In the template settings, there are now more flexible restrictions for completing the checklist. Various check and issue requirements can be defined and an error or warning message can be selected. Likewise, the signature can now be set as mandatory. Use case/example:
Warning when exiting or closing the checklist with an open issue.
Show warning on exit / error on close if checklist is not completely filled in. This can be useful for all those checks that need to be completed in full.
Show note for signing when the checklist is closed by the person executing the check to confirm that it has been executed.
A detailed feature description can be found in the release notes under https://testify.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TWN/pages/2177957925 and https://testify.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TWN/pages/2313650273 and under https://testify.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TWN/pages/1538752602.
Scoring in Checklists
With the new evaluation feature, a different weighting of answer options is possible within the scope of examinations. For each check, points can now be stored for the respective answer option. This results in a total number of points for each check, which is then placed in relation to the maximum number of points to be achieved.
Scoring is particularly useful when executing audits or to trigger follow-up processes in the event of negative tests. Among other things, the scoring feature is used in the execution of 5S audits.
A detailed feature description can be found in the release notes under https://testify.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TWN/pages/2177957925 and https://testify.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TWN/pages/2285338775 and under https://testify.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TWN/pages/1538752592.
Tags for Checklist Templates
Use tags to further group, filter, and find the same checklist templates. This feature is often used to group checklist templates by task or sub-division.
A detailed feature description can be found in the release notes under https://testify.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TWN/pages/1991278659 and under https://testify.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TWN/pages/1538752579.
Text search in checklists
The text search in checklists allows you to enter search terms within a checklist in order to thereby get to a desired test, section or page. Thanks to search suggestions, which are displayed as a drop-down when the term is entered, it is possible to quickly find the desired search term.
This feature is especially helpful:
In the case of hierarchically structured or long checklists that map an entire process, different checks can be flexibly searched for and executed.
A detailed feature description can be found in the release notes under https://testify.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TWN/pages/2339471462 and under https://testify.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TWN/pages/1507197212.
General improvements
Subscribe test object types
By subscribing to test object types, one receives notifications in the Testify app about created checklists and issues that were created on a subscribed test object type. This means that people are always informed about the current status, what is currently happening in this area, whether tests have been carried out properly and whether problems have arisen during the inspection.
Use Case/Example:
The person will be notified if, for example, an issue is identified during a safety inspection at the Linz/ Hall E site.
The person responsible for the process will be informed as soon as the checklist for the annual fire protection inspection has been published.
A detailed feature description can be found in the release notes under https://testify.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TWN/pages/2177957925 and under https://testify.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TWN/pages/1515880673.
Optional Sections
Checklists can contain checks, pages and sections for a better structure. For sections it can be set whether they are mandatory or not. Optional sections can be set to be enabled or disabled by default.
Application example:
It is possible to add the optional section to a standard checklist that is suitable for an entire group of machines in order to query specific questions per machine. In this way, the number of checklists can be reduced to a manageable level and it is not necessary to create a separate checklist template for each machine type.
A detailed feature description can be found in the release notes under https://testify.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TWN/pages/1818951734 and under https://testify.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TWN/pages/1538818120.
Language extensions
The user experience has been extended by two languages with the integration of French and the configuration of Portuguese. This allows companies to make it even easier for their users to use Testify. Use Case/Example:
French and Portuguese speakers
Improved offline functionality - PWA
Improved offline functionality allows users to stay logged in after closing the app. This allows the app to be restarted with the previous session restored when the device is offline. Use case/example:
Re-opening the app despite no internet connection.
Close app and open again
The advantage of this extension is that while running the Testify app in offline mode, even if the app is closed in the meantime, it can be reopened - without login & without internet connection. This also applies when the device is restarted.
A detailed feature description can be found in the release notes under https://testify.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TWN/pages/2339209686 and under https://testify.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TWN/pages/1507360963.