Release v4.73.0

Release v4.73.0

Dear Testify Key-User,

we proudly announce our Testify Release Updates v4.73.0 with new improvements for a better Testify experience:

Feature extensions

Short Description

Detailed Feature Description

Feature extensions

Short Description

Detailed Feature Description

Test object code scan: search bar if ID does not match

The search for test objects via data code scan has been extended. From now on, the search bar appears if there is no exact match between the scan and a test object.

Execute checklist

Exact time information in the checklist execution

From now on it is directly visible within the checklist at which time which check was executed by which user.

Execute checklist

Automatic storage of equipment

If only one measuring device has been defined in the template settings for a check, it will already be selected during the check. This saves the manual selection.

Execute checklist

Checklist: Signature after check for closure restrictions

The behavior when closing a checklist in combination with restrictions to close and signature has been adjusted. New:

First check is made to see if all check and issue requirements have been met, then signature is made.

Execute checklist

Template settings

Display of dependent checks on checklist completion

When closing a checklist, it is now displayed which checks are affected by restrictions on the completion of this checklist. Clicking leads directly to the respective check and allows to adjust it accordingly so that the restrictions are fulfilled (e.g. fixing an added issue with restriction "No open issues").

Execute checklist

Template settings

Issue creation: New arrangement of fields

The fields of the issue creation have been rearranged. The mandatory fields are now at the top, the optional fields below.

Add issue

Public API documentation with examples and try out function

The Swagger documentation now contains meaningful examples. From now on, requests with real IDs can be tested.



Testify Release v4.73.0 also includes improvements and bug fixes in the checklist search.