Release v4.64.0

Release v4.64.0

Dear Testify Key-User,

we proudly announce our Testify Release Updates v4.64.0 with new improvements for a better Testify experience:

Feature extensions

Short Description

Detailed Feature Description

Feature extensions

Short Description

Detailed Feature Description

Check categories via checklist excel import

The creation and editing of checklists via Excel has been further optimized. From now on, it is possible to add check categories for the checks. The feature can be used by adding the identifier of the check category within the excel import.

Checklist templates via Excel

Tenant switch adapted for mobile devices

When working with multiple tenants (Multi Tenancy), it is now easier to switch between tenants on mobile devices. In addition to the button within the user menu, it is now also possible at the top of the register.

Testify on mobile devices

Workflow: Add custom fields as filters

From now on it is possible to filter the workflows by custom fields. Therefore workflows can also be created based on custom field values of test objects and issues. This is possible for the Scope “issue”, “checklist” and “test object”.


Change in saving behavior

The saving behavior has been adjusted. Saving is only possible if changes have been made and all necessary fields have been filled in. Missing information is highlighted in red, the save icon is always highlighted in white.



Testify Release v4.64.0 also includes performance improvements and bug fixes.