Release v4.5.0

Dear Testify Key-User,

we proudly announce our Testify Release Updates v.4.5.0 with many improvements for a better Testify experience


Short Description

Link to detailed Feature Description


Short Description

Link to detailed Feature Description

Custom Field Filter Options at Issue and Checklist Detail Search

Extende Filter and Search Options within Testify, when it comes to additional information in custom fields. New filter options can be found within issue search (TestObject and issue linked custom fields) and checklist search (TestObject linked custom fields)


UI Improvements: Unified Headers

With this UI improvement, the Header experience with design, and Filter Options is unified all over Testify


Aligned menu items for execute checklist / bundle & execute / checklist search / manage checklist

meaningful items for all checklist related menus


Checklist navigation workflow improvements

When navigating back to higher hierarchies (e.g. pages, sections) while executing checklists the scroll position is perceived.