Dear Testify Key-User,
we proudly announce our Testify Release Updates v4.79.0 with new improvements for a better Testify experience:
New features | Short Description | Detailed Feature Description |
Dynamic checklists: New section appears depending on the check result | Checklists can be dynamized as of now. Depending on the check result, different checks can appear. This makes it possible to easily represent even complex workflows with nesting in Testify. Currently, one dependency is possible. In the future, an extension will follow so that multiple dependencies can be stored. |
Feature extensions | Short Description | Detailed Feature Description |
Extended color scheme for user interface | As of now, the user interface can be customized even further. Thus, all content in Testify can be configured by color. Exceptions are the status models green, orange, red for checklists and issues. |
Testify Release v4.79.0 also includes improvements and bug fixes to images.