Logging into Testify

Logging into Testify

Table of Contents

For logging into Testify please follow the next steps:

  1. Go to cloud.testify.io (Demo environment demo.testify.io) *

  2. Enter your Username and Password and click the Sign In button.

Below the Sign in button you see the version on which Testify is currently running.



* If a specific Testify Enterprise Hosting Stage (e.g. Private Cloud, your own Azure Subscription, On-Premise) is used, the URL varies from the cloud infrastructure.


A password must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • At least 8 characters.

  • Must contain at least one of each [lower case, upper case, digit].

If you enter a password that does not meet the requirements, the following error message appears: "Password must be at least 8 characters. One lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, and one digit are required."

Forgot password

If the password has been forgotten, it can be reset via the login page. The prerequisite for this is that the user name is actually an existing e-mail address.

Repeated incorrect login

If users log in incorrectly 10 times within 10 minutes, the login is blocked for 10 minutes. Logging in is only possible again afterwards.

Single Sign-On

Login is also possible via Azure Single Sign-On and can be configured on request. Key users can obtain further information from the Solution Team.


Information about logging in on mobile devices at: Testify on mobile devices