Company settings

Company settings

Der Bereich Administration bietet Testify Admins die Möglichkeit, spezifische Unternehmenseinstellungen zu definieren. Unternehmenseinstellungen sind die Einstellungen für die gesamte Testify-Umgebung, in der Sie arbeiten. Alle diese definierten Einstellungen werden auf den jeweiligen Tenant angewendet. Um den Bearbeitungsmodus zu aktivieren, wählen Sie "Bearbeiten" in der oberen rechten Ecke.

Company settings

  • Here you can complete the contact information. The entered information is displayed on the PDF protocols

Company logo

  • Is used in the PDF protocols as well as in the email notifications



  • Prefilled assigned identity of issues: can assign issues to a user or group by default (can also be managed via issue categories).

  • Fill issues with check information: Ability, when creating an issue within a checklist, to merge title/description of the issue with information from the checklist.


  • CSV-delimiter: ; or ,

  • Timezone of timestamps in CSV file

Additional settings

  • For user/group restrictions on test objects or test object types include sub-components: If activated, users with test object restrictions also have access to subcomponents of the test objects (also includes outputs for main and subcomponents)

  • Hide issues and checklists for which the user does not have permission: If the user has been assigned a checklist for which he or she has no authorization (for example, due to a test object restriction), the checklist will no longer appear in the tasks.

  • Default time zone for new users: new users are assigned this time zone by default

  • Default language for new objects: all objects, groups, roles, etc. that are created are in this language by default (can be translated)

  • E-Mail notification timezone

Tenant settings

  • Assign checklists and issues only to: Restrictions regarding assignment of checklists and issues.

  • Checklist bundle and execute*

  • Enable formatted description fields in checklist designer: Allows formatting of descriptions within the checklist templates

  • Enable check collections

  • Enable checklist offline cache mode*

  • Define which custom fields can be used at user information

    • Custom fields: Selection of the relevant custom fields.

E-Mail server information


For more information, key users can contact the Solution Team.

* The Bundle and Execute feature and the Checklists offline cache mode cannot be used at the same time. Therefore, only one of the two features can be active at a time.