After creating a test case the user is able to change and adjust the settings of the test case by his needs. Depending on the type of the test case the following settings can be adjusted on the right hand side of the screen.


The title and the description can be edited in this section. It is also possible to add a checkidentifier. By chosing this option the person carrying out the checklist can access the check only by entering the right identifier. The identifier can also be entered by scanning different types of codes (e.g. QR Code or via NFC).

A valid QR code is required to use QR codes in Testify. The test identification and the text stored in the QR code must be identical. Instead of manual selection, a test can be selected using "Scan data code".

Also here, PDF protocol profiles can be added and an unfilled preview can be displayed.


Attachments (documents, photos, …) can be added to the test case here. This might be helpful for providing instructions for carrying out complicated test cases.


This section allows to define a specific equipment with which the test case has to be carried out. For a photo check this might for example be a specific camera.


If enabled, the user can open the note or it gets displayed if a new entered test result is invalid. (e.g. “add issue in case of an invalid test result“)


Here the format of the input can be edited. The lable of the input field can be changed. For checks involving numbers a unit and decimal places can be adjusted.


The validation section provides the option to validate the test results based on the input. A range can be defined in which the input has to be in order to give a valid result.


This section gives the opportunity to change the display of the test case. Enabling the quick input will give the person who is carrying out the test cases the option to put in the result without navigating into the check. For single and multiple choice checks the configuration of the answers can be done here.


With scoring, weightings can be added to an audit within a checklist. Through this scoring it is possible to get a sum from the checklist how positive or negative the audit result is.

This allows 5S audits, for example, to be mapped optimally.